Friday 21 December 2012

Apricot Cookies

So I know apricots don't sound like the most delectable cookie ever, but they are really good. I was not going to make them at first, since the ingredients called for vegan cream cheese. I honestly did not believe that my grocery store would carry it, but I checked anyways, and what do ya know, they had some! WOO! So, you may or may not be able to make this recipe, but check Sobeys and odour store too to see if they have vegan cream cheese. Anyways, to make this recipe you will need......................
1/2 cup vegan cream cheese
1/2 margarine
1 cup flour
Apricot Jam

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F
Mix together all the ingredients except the apricot jam. Roll the dough out, and cut it into squares that are 2 inches by two inches, or slightly bigger. Put just a little apricot jam, more in the middle, and fold over (diagonally) the dough to rap it around the jam.

Cook the cookies for 10-12 minutes, and just so you know, the more jam you put, the more jam will come spilling out all over the tray. Your best chance is to put only a little bit in the middle, and then add more to the sides after they are cooked. Freeze them in an air tight container until serving.

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