Saturday, 15 September 2012

Pie for Breakfast Anyone?

FIRSTLY. I know I have not posted something in a long time, but I promise you it is only because I haven't been making things that are all that exciting lately since school has started again. BUT, 'tis the weekend and time for something delicious. Pie. I had Pie for breakfast. Wow. And guess what, it's raw, it's vegan, and it's 100% healthy. All you will need is..

FRUIT! Specifically,
1 banana
6 medium strawberries
1 cup of dates
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup water - give or take
5 Mini pie plates or 1 relatively small pie plate
Some sliced fruit for garnishing

First, in a food processor, blend up the dates and the cinnamon by pulsing it until it forms a ball
of crushed date chunks - do NOT soak your dates before, we want it chunky. Than, scoop out little balls of it and wetting your fingers, spread it on to your tiny pie plates, or big plate, so that it forms a crust. By wetting your fingers the dates will not stick to you as much.
Whatever is left over of the dates, put it in a blender with the water, banana, and strawberries and mix on high. Now, here you can do one of two things.      

 - You could poor the mixture into the pies and freeze over night and have an awesome crust but a cold, frozen middle, which still tastes really good. Or you could stick it in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour just so it holds the crust in place, but it may still fall apart.

  -You could make your crusts the night before, freeze them, than the next morning add your mixture and put them back in the freezer for 30 minutes just to chill the middle, and than eat them.

Your pick:)

Anyhow, cut up some fruit and decorate. Than eat everything because it tastes so good and it is so good for you! Enjoy!


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