Sunday, 2 September 2012

Raw Sunflower Bread

For some reason, wheat no longer agrees with my stomach. It is not because I am gluten intolerant, I know that, but it just doesn't digest well. When I eat it, I swear to you I wake up the next morning and can feel it in my stomach. I believe this is because the more and more I got into raw food, the less I ate it, so it is almost like my stomach has just forgotten what to do with it, since it is so used to the easy digestibility of fruits and vegetables. So, I have the problem of not being able to eat any pasta or bread, despite my desire for them occasionally. I know though that I am not the only one who feels this way. Many raw vegans say that after eating cooked or processed foods they wake up and feel sedated or groggy, and that's exactly how it feels. Now, sometimes I will make an exception, like the time I made gnocchi, but other than that, I have to find other ways to enjoy my favourite foods. Raw foods = the answer to everything. Today I am going to share a really good recipe that I found in one of my raw books but I changed a little to suite my own taste buds, and made it my own. I will, however, attach the link to the book I have, because it is a really good source of basic recipes and fun new raw vegan ideas that you must know of.

For this you will need...
1/3 cup chopped celery
3 tbsp sunflower seeds
1/4 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup steel cut oats/ rolled oats
1/4 cup water as needed
Garlic Powder
Black Pepper
Sea salt

Grind up the flax seeds and sunflower seeds in a blender or food processor. Add in the oats, and poor in the water as needed. Add the celery and seasonings. If you need to add more water go ahead, but don't make it to thin; it should have a doughy texture and it should be thick.

Scoop it up and spread it out on a dehydrator non-stick sheet. Make sure that the thickness stays consistent throughout so it dries evenly. Place it in the dehydrator at 105 degrees F for 4 - 4 1/2 hours.

Take it out and carefully flip it onto a mesh tray. Using a knife, slice it into the size bread pieces you desire (DONT CUT THE MESH!!), and pop that sucker back into the dehydrator for another 2-3 hours. The longer you keep it in, the more like a cracker it will become, depending on how thick you make it. You want it to be a little moist so it has a similar texture to bread.

Serve and enjoy!


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