Tuesday 4 September 2012

Raw Vegan Ravioli

No, you did not read the title wrong, it is possible to make raw vegan ravioli. I know, heaven. This recipe is a great way to satisfy a craving for some yummy ravioli, and is fairly easy to make. You can either make it vegan, or raw vegan, and I'll show you how, but both ways are just as easy.

To make enough for one person, you will need...
2-3 Big turnips with wide diameters
1/2 cup cashew cheese fermented for 6 hours (check almond cheese blog for how to make it)
1 tsp Garlic powder
1 tbsp Lemon juice
Sprinkle Black pepper

First, peel your turnips so all the skin is removed and cut off the ends. Than, either boil them for 20 minutes, if making them vegan, or, if your making them raw vegan, grab a mandolin slicer and slice them into circles as thin as you can get them. If you boiled them, after they are done, just do the same or you can use a sharp knife to slice them.

Next, take your cashew cheese and add in the garlic powder, lemon juice, and pepper. Mix it well, and then, taking your biggest circular slices of the turnips, place about a teaspoon of the cashew mixture into the middle of the circle, and fold it over like a ravioli. It is important that your slices are thin if you did not cook them otherwise when you fold them over they will break; be sure they are thin too if you cooked them.

Serve alone or with some tomato sauce! Also, if you want to spice it up, make it beets instead of turnips! Yum!!

Ravioli is the best,

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