Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Cooking to the beat of Zucchini Pasta !

Spirolized zucchini with basil tomato sauce!

Time for my first vegan cooking blog! This is a recipe I made myself, although, I am sure I am not the first to do this. It is 100% vegan, gluten free, and can be raw vegan as well, depending on how you go about it! Anyhow, read away, cook, eat, and enjoy!

You will need...
1 medium zucchini
2 medium tomatoes
A handful of basil
1/4 cup water
Seasonings (salt and pepper)
1 clove of garlic
1/3 cup of sun dried tomatoes 

First, spirolize your zucchini. BUT WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Well, if you don't know what it means, than I am going to assume you don't own a spirolizer...BUT no worries, because you can just make the zucchini into fettuccine strips by using a peeler and just peeling the zucchini until you get down to the core, so you make it into thick strips. However, I highly recommend you buy a spirolizer, so below,  I have two links that will help you out! Moving on though.....So, when spirolizing, if you choose to peel your zucchini, you will end up with all white pasta, but if you do not peel it, no worries it is still edible, you'll just have some green pasta strands, but no big deal. Once you are done spirolizing, put your zucchini in a bowl and leave it aside.

Next, chop up the garlic and tomatoes and put them in a blender. If your blender is having trouble, add the water, but not too much because you do not want a watery sauce. Than, add your sun dried tomatoes, which you may or may not have to chop depending on the strength of your blender. You can also add some seasonings at this point, and blend it up.

Take your sauce and pour it into a pan, NO OIL ADDED. Add in as much basil as you desire and cook on a medium-high heat until your basil is cooked and the sauce has absorber the flavour of the basil (about 5 - 6 minutes). Your tomato sauce should be at a boil, and if it is watery, let it cook for longer until some of the water boils off. Than, turn off the heat, and while the pan is still hot, add in the zucchini and mix it until they are covered in sauce. At this point, they should be warm, and ready to serve!

NOW..if you are a raw vegan, all you have to change is instead of cooking the basil in with the sauce in a pan, just add it to the blender and mix it in that way. Than, you just pour the sauce on top of the zucchini directly from the blender, and nothing will be cooked. 

It is better warm than cold...but both taste great! Let me know what you think, and enjoy!

Listening to way to much Leonard Cohen,

1 comment:

  1. I can attest that this is supremely delicious! Yay cooking blog!
