Tuesday 21 August 2012

Raw Vegan Rice

I know what you are thinking, how can rice be raw? Well, it isn't, but cauliflower is:) That's right, the secret to this recipe is to make cauliflower rice! This is one of my favourite recipes, that until a couple of days ago, I had no idea others used cauliflower as grain substitute. I originally would grate my cauliflower so that it looked like couscous. When I searched up raw vegan rice alternatives the other day, cauliflower rice popped up. Basically it is the same as what I was doing, except for the name change. So to all who are raw vegan, or don't digest gluten or grains well, this is the recipe for you!

To do this you'll need,
1/2 head cauliflower
1/3 cup red kidney beans
2 green onion stalks
1 Shallot (like a small red onion)
1/4 cup Baby tomatoes
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup vinegar

First, chop your cauliflower into bite sized pieces. Than, put them in your food processor and pulse it until they are broken down into a wet powder (should resemble couscous). Poor this into a dish with the kidney beans, lemon juice, and vinegar. Next, put the shallot into the food processor (or chop by hand- just be sure to chop them small so you don't get too strong of a flavour) and pulse it until it is into small cubes. Add the chopped shallot to your mixture. Chop your baby tomatoes into quarters, and using scissors, cut your green onion. Mix all together and enjoy!!

This is truly awesome goodness,


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