Sunday 7 October 2012

Apple Zucchini Bites

Short post here but just as important as the rest :) Like nori rolls, adding some veggies to your apps are a really good thing to consider when thinking about balance. They can help tone down the strong flavour of the nuts and crackers, and add some variety. These little bite sized snacks were based off an appetizer I used to have all the time, boconjccini cheese balls wrapped with proscuitto. I replaced this with apple wrapped in zucchini that has been grilled. It truly does satisfy any craving and has such a unique flavour and texture that people will be so interested to try it and make it. To make it all you will need is...

1 apple
1 zucchini
Some Toothpicks

First, turn on your barbecue. Next, take your zucchini, slice off the ends, and slice it in half. Than, using a mandolin slicer, cut them into strips. Take your strips and place them on the barbecue until girl marks are visible and flip them, doing the same. While they are grilling, cut your apple into bite sized cubes. Take your finished zucchini and wrap a strip around each apple cube. Keep the strip in place with a tooth pick.

Tell them "yes no oil" ;)

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