Friday 26 October 2012

Guilt-Free Sweet Potato Fries

YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. That is how I feel about this. Amazing. You have now met heaven my friends. This recipe will stop any craving for fatty fast food fries. And guess what, you can eat AS MUCH as you want, and you will NEVER get fat. Ever. Wanna guess why? Because one sweet potato have..hmm..let's see... ONLY has 0.3g of fat. That's why. The best thing about a plant-based diet is that it is extremely low fat; calories do NOT matter, only fat. If your diet is composed of only fruits and vegetables, is low fat, and you only have fats from nuts, seeds, and avocados 1-2 a week (at amounts of your choice), you will never have to count calories ever again, I promise. So, that being said, get some..

Sweet potato (4-6 medium will make 3 trays)

That's all....:)

Preheat the oven to 345 degrees F. Slice your sweet potatoes into fries and lay them on parchment paper on a cookie tray. Slide them in the oven for 20 minutes, and than take them out and flip them. Put them back in the oven for another 15 minutes and than watch them until they are crunchy enough for your likings; make sure you watch them so they do not burn.

You could literally eat this for dinner...

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