Friday, 26 October 2012

Cooking to the Beat and Veggie Salad

(Get the title??;)
The red noodles are kelp noodles; they are usually white but the beats died them red:)
So the other day, my mother literally came home with, no exaggeration, at least 200 beats from her uncles garden. Holy. As a result, for the past few days I've been peeing red because of all the beets I have been eating. This recipe is one of the meals I made out of beats; I really love it since it combines my typical salad with all the beets I have to eat now. For this recipe, you will need...

7 Medium Beets....obviously;) boiled for 25 minutes
1 head of romaine
1 cup mixed greens
1/2 cup kelp noodles
1 raw cob of corn
1 carrot
1/2 cup cauliflower boiled for 5 minutes
10 spears of asparagus boiled for 3 minutes
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes

2 tbsp agave nectar (or maple syrup if you do not have it)
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar

Chop the romaine lettuce and add it to a large bowl with the spinach, mixed greens, and cherry tomatoes. Chop the cauliflower and asparagus, as well as the corn, and add it to the lettuce. Take your beets and cube them into medium sized pieces. Take your kelp noodles and using scissors just snip them so they don't bunch up in one piece and spread them out evenly in your salad. Kelp noodles are really awesome; they are seaweed made into noodles, an they taste super awesome! Great raw noodles! Finally, mix the dressing in a bowl and pour it onto your salad- if you need more, than feel free to add more vinegar, lemon, or even more agave. Mix and eat it all! If you want to make this recipe raw, do not cook the cauliflower, asparagus, or the beats. When using raw beets, just thinly slice off the peel as it can be bitter, and cube it the same way you would as if it was cooked; the inside will taste sweet, not bitter like the peel (I actually love raw beets).

Beware of red pee,

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