Friday, 26 October 2012

Raw Vegan Chocolate Sandwiches

Chocolate = my friend. Raw Vegan Chocolate = My best friend. Best friends do good things for you. Raw vegan chocolate does good things for you:) If you LOVE chocolate and decadent, chocolaty things, than this is the recipe for you. It is rather easy to make and does not involve you buying some scary ingredient in a crazy health foods store in the middle of nowhere. It will satisfy any chocolate craving and guess is 100% low fat (in the entire recipe there is only 0.5g of fat...yeah) and it is raw vegan = eat as much as you want of it! To make it you will need...
makes about 4 sandwiches
1 cup raisons c
2 tbsp cocoa powder or raw cacao
3 dates soaked for 1 hour
1 banana 

In a blender, mix the dates with 1 tbsp of cocoa. This is your chocolate sauce. I love this stuff, and honestly, I am not even exaggerating, it tastes like cookie batter. I promise. The only difference is that this has 0.25g of fat and is healthy for you :) Set that aside, and in a food processor, blend up your raisons with 1 tbsp of cocoa powder. You may need to add some water, but try not to. If you do and you add too much, just add some more cocoa powder. Th best way to make this is to pulse the food processor until it all clumps into a ball in the machine. You should be able to stick it together with your fingers. Form little cookies (2 per sandwich). 
Layer some chocolate sauce on both of the cookies. Chop your banana into slices and put them on one side of the cookie. Close the cookie, and away my friends. 

Chocolate can be good for you,

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