Monday 1 October 2012

Vegan Sugar Birthday Cookies

Today in class, we found out that it was the birthday of one of our classmates on the weekend. Everyone sang happy birthday, as usual, and few than proceeded to point out the fact there were no birthday cupcakes and no birthday cake. Then came along the suggestion that someone should bring in cupcakes, so of course I opened my mouth to object and declared I would make vegan cookies; everyone agreed, partially because I think they were just curious to try some. It also just so happens that I owe a teacher some vegan cookies. I had baked once or twice for him, and when he asked me if I had done any baking, and I sad yes, vegan baking, the topic of me being a vegan turned into him wanting some vegan cookies. So I'm getting two things done in one shot! This recipe is supaa easy, and does not take long to make. All you'll need is...
2 1/3 cups flour
2/3 cup canola oil
1 cup white sugar
1 tbsp maple syrup
4 tbsp almond/soy milk

Sprinkles (optional for decorating)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F

First, pour your oil in with your sugar, and with a fork, beat together. Than add in the milk and maple syrup mixing that in as well. Finally, use a spatula - non stick- to mix in the flour until a dough is formed. Refrigerate for 30 minutes until hard.

After, roll the dough out and use desired cookie cutters to shape. You can also add sprinkles of your choice :) Pop them in the oven for 10 minutes, but watch them to make sure they do not burn! Let them cool and eat up.

Please note that just because they are vegan does not make them healthy!! They are still a cookie, and should only be eaten in moderation. Refined sugars and flours are bad for you and you should avoid them as much as possible! However, that being said, they are a really good treat for people who are not vegan, as a way of showing them that they can still enjoy their junk food on this lifestyle, and not view us as lettuce eating boring people. :) Not good!

Anyhow, share away,
